Hurray! Adam and I both finished our Spring semester classes last week and it feels great! We have spent the last week not using our brains, for the most part, and catching up on things around the house! Adam will have a couple of classes this Summer, but I will not have any. I will only be working part-time and Adam is working on finding a part-time thing, as well. Other than that, we'll enjoy each others company and hopefully spend lots of time
outside with Harley! We have a few fun trips planned this Summer, as well. We leave for Colorado next Thursday to visit friends in Denver for five days, a weekend stay near Duluth for Grandma's Half Marathon June 19
th, a trip to the
Boundary Waters the week after July 4
th and then up to Orr, MN with my family for a week leaving on our first anniversary, July 24
th! We are super excited for this fun filled summer and we hope that the time only creeps by!