Just thought I'd finally post something, since it's been a while! Our most interesting part of our life right now, aside from school and relaxing, would be our dear Harley! He keeps growing and growing and growing! He's had a few trips to the vet the past few weeks and at his last one he weighed in at 49lbs! Side note: his mom weighs 50lbs....I can only imagine how big his papa is! About a month ago, it was thought that Harley had swallowed a quarter. After weeks of digging through poo and finding nothing, we gave in and had him xrays....no quarter was found! He either had passed it and we missed it or he never swallowed it! We will never know. Last week he was showing some unusual symptoms with his going number one. Scheduled a vet appt ans sure enough he had a UTI. Some antibiotics are taking care of that! Now yesterday, we took away his manhood. He did really well with the operation and was quite happy to see hims Mama when I came to pick him up with some excited whimpering. Poor baby! He is on a pain med for a week and is suppose to rest and not play for 10 days. That part is not going so well and we're only on day one. He's more hyper than ever and its hard to settle him down! The vet said we could give him a sedative, but we may try some more kennel time before spending more money there!
All in all, he is growing into a healthy big puppy and makes us laugh every day! He's learning a lot and we're still working on some things, such as jumping on strangers and walking on the leash. His excitement and energy over power what we try and teach him so its taking some time! We put him in Susan's pool last weekend at the Yngsdal reunion and he seemed to not like that too well. Hopefully that will change the more we expose him to some water fun!
Aside from Harley, we are both now back in school. Adam has a full load of classes and I only have on class half of the semester (dosage calculations). I will start the Nursing courses in February and CANNOT wait! We are also training to run a 10k the end of October that is being put on by our chiropractic office, Northern Life Chiropractics. We have hopes of running a couple half marathons next Summer. All we have in September are a couple get togethers with friends. We are finally having our housewarming party next Saturday....looking forward to that! October won't be too busy either. Going to cheer a few good friends on that are running the Twin Cities marathon the beginning of the month and we also hope to go camping some weekend before it gets too cold!
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